What are micro-credentials?
Micro-credentials are a form of competency-based recognition that validate an educator’s professional learning. An educator selects a micro-credential that captures a research-backed, discrete skill and submits evidence to demonstrate their competence in that skill. The educator receives a micro-credential, in the form of a digital badge, if the issuing organization determines that the evidence meets the requirements of the scoring guide and rubric.
Who issues micro-credentials?
Micro-credentials are issued by organizations with content expertise in particular educator practices or competency areas, including non-profit and for-profit professional development organizations, ed tech companies, institutions of higher education, and others.
How long does it take to earn a micro-credential?
The amount of time it takes to earn a micro-credential depends on the particular micro-credential and an educator’s previous experience with the skill addressed in the micro-credential.
How long does assessment take?
Once you submit your micro-credential, it goes through a double blind assessment process by subject matter experts; this process takes 14-business days to complete at maximum.
Do I need to attend a training, course, or other learning experience to earn a micro-credential?
No. Micro-credentials do not require educators to participate in specific learning experiences or training to earn them. Additionally, there is no limit to the amount of time an educator can take to prepare their micro-credential submission.
How much does it cost to earn a micro-credential?
There is no cost associated with creating a micro-credential platform account or earning a micro-credential. However, the issuing organization may choose to charge a reasonable assessment fee to cover the cost of assessing a micro-credential submission.
What can I do with my micro-credentials once I’ve earned them?
Once earned, micro-credentials can be shared through social networks, embedded in websites or learning management systems (LMS), emailed to colleagues, and downloaded as digital badges. Micro-credentials comply with the open badges specification, which means they are unique to each earner and contain metadata recognized and supported by dozens of platforms across the web.
Can I earn micro-credentials collaboratively with other educators?
Yes, we encourage collaboration. However, your submission should be unique and any written parts should be your own words and your student work should reflect your authentic teaching practice (which may be that you co-teach with someone and have the same evidence). If you worked with another educator, please make it clear that you collaborated with a colleague in your submission.
Can I re-apply for a micro-credential if I did not earn it the first time?
Yes. Please revise your submission based on the feedback from the assessor and re-submit all associated evidence for the micro-credential through the platform.
I was not awarded the micro-credential and would like to resubmit. Does it go to the same assessor?
We strive to make this happen for consistent assessment, but for a number of reasons this may not be possible. The assessor will have given you specific feedback to incorporate in your resubmission in order to achieve success.
Where can I go for help if I have questions about the micro-credential content or rubric?
Please submit a question as a ticket through this help system and Digital Promise will direct your question to the appropriate individual.
Are micro-credentials only for professionals in the education sector?
Micro-credentials are intended to recognize competencies that are most relevant in the education sector, including early education, K-12 education, and higher education. However, many of the skills and competencies represented by the micro-credentials are applicable across many sectors.
Do all micro-credentials require in-class instruction?
No, there are many micro-credentials that do not require in-class instruction. Please carefully review our catalog to identify micro-credentials that are relevant to non-classroom educators such as librarians, administrators, and coaches.
How often are micro-credentials added to the platform?
Micro-credentials are continuously added to our platform. We update our catalog as our work with industry-leading issuing organizations grows.
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